I was fortunate to spend the past weekend in Lancaster, PA enjoying the 21st Quilters' Heritage Celebration. During the past 21 years over 8,000 quilts have been display with only a select few being displayed more than once -- a tidbit I found interesting. In addition to the vendors at the show, there is a group of 'renegade' vendors in the building across the street -- kind of a two for one deal. The quilts on display were varied, traditional to art including some clothing. One of my favorites was a Dear Baby Jane done in 30's reproductions and solid pastels which were used for the backgrounds and triangles in the border. I was inspired to piece two of my own Dear Baby Jane blocks on Sunday. It has been awhile since I have hand pieced. After the first block I was back in the groove and able to make my stitches a reasonable size. Not quite small enough but that will come with more practice.

Building on the inspiration of the quilt show and the new civil war fabrics I purchased, I pieced two more civil war blocks last night. I have a total of 15 blocks completed. So as you can see I am still a bit behind the rest of the group as I believe we are on Week 8 for a total of 56 blocks having been chosen thus far. They are addicting blocks if only I could find the time to piece them :)

Lastly as
Caryn mentioned on her blog last Friday, I am giving away one of my Abe Lincoln's to one lucky winner. All you have to do is post a comment stating you would like to be entered in the April Fool's Giveaway by Sunday night. I will pull the lucky winner's name next Monday and post it on my blog.
I will post more about the show and the surrounding Lancaster area throughout the week.
I need to win a Lincoln, I haven't been able to find any of the fabric to purcahse anywhere.
(sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Who doesn't love Honest Abe. Please enter me.
You've been busy. I love the fabrics you're using for the Dear Jane blocks.
I am just as behind as you in the civil war blocks - I am just not as prolific as others. Thanks for offering up Abe as a giveaway!
Please enter my name on the April Fools Giveaway! Thanks! Nice Blog.
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