Somewhere in the middle of the end-year mayhem at work there was a lull and I was home at a reasonable time. The days prior had been long and I had the urge to just sit and sew at the machine. I wanted something that was mindless sewing --- that left out the houses (too much accuracy needed) and it left out the blue and white star quilt for the same reason. Hmm while cleaning my sewing room during my time off after the holidays I came across a kit that I had purchased several years ago at the LQS known for its kits. The best part about these kits is that all of the fabric is cut for you -- all you do is purchase and go home and sew! That night I strip pieced all of the "A" blocks (48 in all). A few days later I spent a snowy afternoon at a friends house sewing and strip pieced the "B" blocks (just 36). Saturday evening DH was engrossed in some movie or another and I spent four hours piecing my blocks into rows and the rows into a quilt top!

Below is a close up of the blocks. It reminds me of Spring.
Ah but my dilemma . . . . I remember when I purchased the kit that I wasn't thrilled with the inner border but the shop owner convinced me that it made the quilt "pop". However even after several years, I am still not thrilled with the "green". I keep thinking it should be a purple or a blue. I know it is hard to see from the pictures but I am curious as to what others think. The floral is the outer border. In hindsight I wish I had just purchased more of the fabric used in the setting triangles and used that for a border.
Hi Mary -- That is absolutely beautiful!! I love the colors and your work is always so precise! There could never be too many snowstorms for me, but we missed you in January and hope the next Firehouse Day is sunny. Stay well! Florence
Thanks for the post..
winter tyres
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