Kelly has tagged each of the participants to answer the following questions so we can get to know one another.
5 Things
1. My Favorite Fabric is:
Any fabric that has lighthouses or a beach theme
2. The pattern I'm most looking forward to sewing is:
The Claire Bag by Lazy Girl Designs
Lay's Potato Chips -- I can't have them in the house because the little voices inside my head taunt me until I open the bag. I can't eat just one!
4. If I knew I couldn't fail, I'd:
I would be a travel agent so I could travel around the world.
5. The Best "Life" Advice I know is:
The Serenity PrayerGod grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;

courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference
Not easy to live by but is has always resonated with me.

Happy Stitchin!
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