This is the first swap that I joined since the DQS#8 earlier this year. Unfortunately I had to drop out due to issues with work -- basically my manager left and the company was taken over all within weeks of each other. My manager leaving had nothing to do with the takeover but needless to say the past six months have been very busy and stressful. Fortunately I recently found out that I will have a position in the new job -- very good news! Although I am still very busy at work, these are easing a bit for now and I have started quilting again.
All that aside, I wanted to post the doll quilt that I receive even though I had to drop out. My partner and swap mama agreed that I should still receive the quilt as it was made for me and since I was going through such a rough period. I am truly thankful to them both. I hope that someday I can be an Angel and step in when someone else is unable to fulfill her commitment to a future swap. Those of you who know me will agree that this quilt also fits me . . . I love Americana (my family room is decorated in red/white/blue year round).
I have more pictures to post from swaps that I participated in late last year ... need to busy taking pictures as they are all wonderful.
Happy Stitchin!